Campus Life

The campus life at Dominican Convent High School is vibrant and engaging, providing students with a supportive and inclusive environment where they can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. Our school offers a wide range of extracurricular activities, sports teams, and clubs that cater to diverse interests, allowing students to explore their passions and develop new skills outside the classroom. The beautiful campus features state-of-the-art facilities, such as well-equipped classrooms, a library, science labs, art studios, and athletic fields, providing students with ample opportunities to learn and grow. But don’t just take our word for it – hear what our students have to say:

Denise, Lower 6

In all my years at Convent, I vividly recall a particular moment during the annual Dominican Derby held at our school. Being involved in the production allowed me to uncover my passion for the arts and enhance my confidence. The collaborative experience of working with peers and witnessing our collective efforts materialize on stage was truly rewarding. The teachers at Dominican Convent High School have played a pivotal role in fostering my academic development. Their genuine care and unwavering dedication to each student’s success and well-being have been invaluable. Engaging in various extracurricular activities, such as debate, public speaking, and netball, has honed essential skills like teamwork, communication, and time management, contributing to my personal growth.

Furthermore, actively participating in sports like netball and volleyball has presented me with a plethora of opportunities. Competing in Zim trial tournaments, I earned a spot on the Zimbabwean team and gained the chance to showcase my skills at a national level.

Kyla, Form 3

My experience at Convent has been guided by the school’s core pillars of Community, Service, Study, and Prayer, which the institution wholeheartedly upholds. These pillars have greatly enriched and enhanced my high school journey, making it more fulfilling and enjoyable. I can vividly recall a pivotal moment during an assembly at the school, where the focus was on honoring academic achievers. Witnessing the success of these accomplished young women inspired me and affirmed my decision to choose this path. I envisioned myself standing proudly on that stage, making my family proud. The school offers a myriad of enriching programs, such as career guidance initiatives, that have broadened my horizons to a world of possibilities. Engaging in extracurricular activities like the Model UN club and hospitality club has further enhanced my high school experience. The Model UN club has provided me with valuable opportunities to participate in conferences, travel to different places, and interact with diverse individuals, adding depth and enjoyment to my journey. Furthermore, through the hospitality club, I have discovered a passion for serving others, as I actively contribute to ensuring guests and students are well taken care of during events.

Prominence, Form 4

In my final year of primary school, the decision of where to pursue my secondary education was a significant one. After careful consideration with my parents, we chose Dominican Convent High School due to its reputation for nurturing academically prepared and well-mannered young women who are poised to become influential leaders of the future. My time at this esteemed institution has instilled in me the values of diligence and perseverance, as I observed my peers being recognized and celebrated for their hard work. I aspire to one day earn the prestigious academic honors cream blazer, a symbol of academic excellence at the school.

Upon my initial days at the school, adjusting to the new environment and the realization of adulthood presented some challenges. However, the supportive prefects and newfound friends quickly helped me navigate through this transition period. The school encourages students to engage in various clubs, viewing them as integral components of a holistic education. For me, the quiz club has become a place of comfort and growth, aiding in the development of my confidence, critical thinking skills, and ability to effectively interact with others.

Dominican Convent High School has strived to provide me with a robust educational experience, equipped with essential resources such as well-stocked libraries, and reliable amenities including water and electricity. I am grateful for the opportunities and support I have received, making my journey at Convent incredibly enriching and fulfilling.

Nyasha, Form 2

My high school journey at Dominican Convent High School didn’t truly begin to flourish until my second year. Starting as a newcomer in Form One was a daunting experience, as everyone had already formed friendships and acclimated to the high school environment. However, I was fortunate to be surrounded by supportive classmates who quickly became like loving and caring sisters, guiding me through the intricacies of school life and helping me navigate the rules and routines of the institution.

The school provided a diverse range of activities for students to participate in, allowing me to find my niche outside of the classroom on the netball courts. Welcomed warmly by the seniors already involved in the sport, I soon discovered my place as a wing attacker. Engaging in netball not only provided me with a sense of belonging but also served as a stress-reliever amidst the demands of school life. It enabled me to strike a balance between my academic responsibilities and athletic pursuits, allowing me to enjoy both aspects of my high school experience equally.